Aluminium Palette, a useful everlasting tool that no bench should be without; a six well aluminum pallet for any type of paint related product: enamels, acrylics, lacquers, alcohol, acetone or any other type of thinner. Its six wells and central surface allow us to make a variety of mixtures at the same time, making this the perfect tool for modelers; and because it is aluminum, it stands up to whatever paint product is used!
Reusable Camouflage Elastic Putty for masking areas when airbrushing. Specially designed elastic putty doesn’t leave any residue on any surface. camouflage elastic putty can be easily removed without damaging other painted areas. AK’s camouflage elastic putty doesn’t stain and is grease free. The best quality camouflage elastic putty with the best price in a perfect product for modelers that can be adapted to any surface and allows both to make camouflages and to mask areas (such as wheels or or clear parts) that don’t want to be painted.
Ensure that any of your paints and weathering products are well mixed; simply drop one Stainless Steel Shaker into the product container and shake – just like a rattle can! Contains 250 stainless steel balls, at a very low price.